Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Different Ministries

Here are the different ministries here at the church to keep praying for!

 This is our sanctuary here at Calvary Chapel Iwakuni. We have around 60 adults and around 40 kids that come here on Sundays. We have mostly military families that come out but it is on the Pastors and I's heart to keep reaching out to the Japanese so they can hear the Good News. Our time is from 10:00am-11:30am. Pastor Mike Silva is teaching through the book of Revelation right now. Please keep praying that more people come and hear Gods word and learn more about the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
 This is our fellowship room where on Sundays we come into to fellowship with each other after Sundays service.

We also have our potlucks here where we enjoy together some GOOD food and fellowship
Please keep in prayer that more people would come and fellowship and be around Christians.

We are still working on this fellowship room to get more of a cafe feel to it.
 We also have a women's bible study on Tuesdays morning were the women are going through 1 & 2 Peter.  Please keep praying for the women as they are now in 2 Peter and growing in Christ together.

On Wednesday nights Pastor Mike leads a small group in the fellowship. They are going through first Kings. Please pray that more people will come as this is a good time for discussions.

I also meet up in the fellowship with a Japanese man named Takahito on Tuesday nights. I teach him the bible and he has about two weeks ago accepted Christ. Please pray for Takahito to keep growing in the Lord.
 This is our Preschool-Kindergarten class (4-6 year old).

We have around 8-14 kids on Sunday mornings here in this class.

On Sundays during service this is were we have our 4-6 years old come and learn out their awesome God.

Please pray for the teachers as they get prep and teach these little about Jesus.

Also pray for these kids that they will learn about God and also remember Gods word.  

This is our toddler class  (2-3 year old).

We have about 8-14 toddlers that come on Sundays mornings.

Please keep in pray the toddlers that come and the teachers as they are teaching the toddlers about Jesus. 

 This is our youth room. The youth is called T.R.Y. Transformed Redeemed Youth.

We have about 5-8 youth that come on Wednesday nights.

Please keep them in prayer as we are teaching what it means to really live a life as a teenager that is Transformed and Redeemed by Christ.

Also please pray for me and the other leaders to keep loving them as Jesus loves them and to keep reaching out to more youth and tell them about a God who loves them so much.
 This is our Elementary class (1st-5th grade) class.

We have around 12-15 kids that come here on Sunday mornings.

Please pray as this kids are learning just how awesome our God is and how much He loves them on a personal level.

Please pray for the teachers they teach these amazing kids just how much and how real God's love is for them.
 This is our Nursery class (up to two years old)

We have about 6 babies that are in here.

Pray for the helpers in here as they keep showing love onto these beautiful babies.

These are the different ministries that are going on here at Calvary Chapel Iwakuni. Please keep praying for this church and the people of Japan. As it is on God's heart for EVERYONE to be saved!!