Thursday, February 14, 2013

Video Ministry

 Some of the new things we are starting up here at Calvary Chapel Iwakuni is video pod casting. We record the sermon on Sundays then I edit them and post them on the Calvary Iwakuni website. It has been a blessing to me because of how much I love video and editing. Video and editing has been something that has been on my heart since I was 14 years old so it is so awesome by Gods grace that I get to do this still.
                                                                              It is a great ministry tool because this makes it possible for anyone who missed Sunday and anyone else to watch the sermon instead of just hearing it. At our church we have a lot of military families so that means we have a lot of military guys/ladies who travel every week. We pray this will be a great blessing for them and who ever else wants to watch the sermon to be encourage in the Word. Check out our website at and lesson or watch the sermons that we do on Sunday's and be blessed!!